DVSSP offers safe and secure temporary housing to those experiencing domestic violence.
We have two safe houses, one in Washington County and one in Fayette County.
Our safe house services are free, confidential, and available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Beyond offering a temporary place to stay, all individuals in our safe houses will have access to the following benefits:
- On-Site Domestic Violence Advocates
- On-Site Therapists
- Individual Counselling
- Support Groups
- Life Skills Classes
- Active Parenting Classes
- Transportation
- Food, Clothing, and Personal Care Items
What Happens When You Contact Us
When you contact either of our safe houses, a domestic violence advocate will discuss your options for securing a spot in either of our safe houses. If we cannot accommodate you at that time, we will help you connect to other appropriate safe house options.

If our safe house services are a good fit for you, or you want to learn more
Call our helpline at one of the numbers below.
- Toll-free Helpline Number: 800-791-4000
- Washington County: 724-223-9190
- Greene County: 724-852-2463
- Fayette County: 724-439-9500
Most Asked Questions
Below are some of the questions we often asked about our safe houses. If you want to know more, call us at 800-791-4000, and we’d be happy to provide additional information about how our services work!
What do the safe houses look like?
Both of our safe houses are large, older homes that we’ve made many updates to recently. We strive to make them feel as homey and comfortable as possible. Each house has several bedrooms with a varying number of beds.
Can I go to work and/or appointments?
Yes! The purpose of the safe house is to provide a safe place to stay. We want you to support you in achieving your goals. You are free to come and go as you please throughout the day. We also offer transportation in some cases.
Are there specific meal times? Can I cook?
There are no required meal times at the safe house. Each safe house has a fully equipped kitchen, and you may cook whatever you want for yourself and your family at any time. Staff do not prepare meals, and you are not required to cook for other residents in the safe house.
Can I use my cell phone in the safe house?
Yes! You can keep your cell phone and use it as you wish. For privacy reasons, we ask that video chatting occur in bedrooms and not in any common areas of the house.
Will I sleep in a different room than my children?
No! Families are always kept together in the same room.
I share custody of my children. Are they able to come to the safe house during the times I have them?
Yes! Staff will make necessary accommodations when your children stay for visitation so that they are in the same bedroom as you.
How many people are staying in the safe house?
The number of people staying in the safe house at any given time changes frequently. Our safe house in Washington County has a 15-bed capacity, and our safe house in Fayette County has a 13-bed capacity.
Are there rules in the safe house?
Yes! We strive to empower everyone to make their own decisions. We have community expectations in place to promote safety and confidentiality for all those in the safe houses. For example, our safe houses are drug-free, violence-free spaces. We also expect all individuals staying at the safe houses to maintain confidentiality of the house locations.